We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Iran Court Upholds Practicing Christianity Sentence

10th August 2012

Read it.

The Farsi Christian News Network (FCNN) cited on its website Friday a report from the Tehran-based, Persian-language Haran News Agency that Christian activist and House Church organizer Fat’hi was sentenced to a six-year prison term, based on charges of “acting against national security through membership of the Christian organization Ilam, collection of funds and propaganda against the Islamic Regime by helping spread Christianity in the country.”

According to FCNN, Fat’hi converted to Christianity and was one of a high number of Christian activists arrested by the security agencies of the Islamic Republic during Christmas 2010.

If he converted from Islam, he’s lucky they didn’t behead him — the penalty laid down in strict shari’a.

Yet another reminder the freedom of religion is not a Muslim value.

4 Responses to “Iran Court Upholds Practicing Christianity Sentence”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    Actually, you are free to practice any religion you wish under Islam. You just can’t seek to convert Muslims to it.

    Funny how I’ve never had a Muslim ring my doorbell for the purpose of converting me…would that I could have the asshats arrested that ring my doorbell at 8:00 AM on Saturdays to ask if I’ve been saved…

  2. RealRick Says:

    Ah, so you haven’t yet figured out who gave them your address, huh Dennis?

  3. Jason Says:

    I had a couple of Jehovah’s Witnesses at my door a month ago, early Saturday morning; they left a lot of material for me to “consider” and promised to come back. The JW chick was HOT in that “girl next door” sort of way, and I was hungover and disgruntled at the intrusion, so I came within an eyelash of saying “you’re welcome to swing on back by, but leave your running buddy here at home.” As it was either her husband or her Dad – I never got clear on that – the sentiment probably would not have went over well. Instead, my upbringing kicked in, and I politely thanked them for coming by, informed them I was quite happy with my current religious affiliation, and wished them a good day.

    In Iran, they could have gotten six years in prison for knocking on my door. Worth repeating:

    “Yet another reminder the freedom of religion is not a Muslim value.”

    Or any kind of freedom, really, other than the “freedom” to face Mecca five times a day, and hit the deck.

  4. Dennis Nagle Says:

    “In Iran, they could have gotten six years in prison for knocking on my door.”
    Too light a sentence, in my opinion…but then I’m just cranky.