We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Care About the Future? Then Lower Capital Taxes

21st July 2012

Read it.

The logic here is quite straightforward. What causes economic growth? Successful investment. How do you get less of something? Charge more for it. The higher you tax successful investment, the less economic growth you get. QED.

One Response to “Care About the Future? Then Lower Capital Taxes”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    All true, as far as it goes. But there’s investment, and then there’s investment.
    Long term investment is good; short term investment (like flipping a house) is mere speculation, and leads to bubbles such as the real estate mess we just went through.

    So go ahead and lower taxes on long-term capital, say two to three years. Anything less than that is just giving the investment banks–and bankers–an incentive to jump in and out of the market like frogs on hot asphalt. And we all know where that leads.