We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Senator: ‘Country Will Have to Face the Consequences’ if GOP Supports Bush Tax Cuts

19th July 2012

Read it.

Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) threatened on Monday that Democrats would let the Bush tax cuts expire for everybody if Republicans did not compromise with Democrats and not extend the tax cuts for those in income brackets above $250,000.

Message: It’s more important for ‘the rich’ to get hurt, even if everyone gets hurt, than take the chance that  everybody might get a benefit that ‘the rich’ might also get.

Democrats: The Kindergarten Recess Party.

One Response to “Senator: ‘Country Will Have to Face the Consequences’ if GOP Supports Bush Tax Cuts”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    So then why didn’t you villify the Republicans when they were willing to let the nation default rather than compromise on deficit reduction measures?
    Surely that’s also an instance of not caring if everyone gets hurt if they don’t get their way.
    Sauce for the goose, and all that…