We have seen the future, and it sucks.

4+3 Be What?

17th July 2012

Read it.

Ebonics comes to Canada.

Progressives delight in constantly and arbitrarily reengineering the English language. This rigged game of musical chairs ensures that we reactionary racist rubes always land on our rhetorical butts.

So when black Torontonians and their liberal enablers started clamoring for “Africentric” schools a few years back, the local paper was obliged to run a helpful sidebar explaining why the right word wasn’t “Afrocentric” anymore:

“[I]t’s African-centered education, and there is no “o” in the word Africa,” said Dr. Patrick Kakembo, director of the African Canadian Services in Nova Scotia. “Why should it be Afro? That’s a hair-do.”

Now you know.

2 Responses to “4+3 Be What?”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    Hey, at least the kids will be able to do the math when the Tea Party succeeds in repealing the 14th Ammendment.

  2. RealRick Says:

    Dennis, you know better! The Tea Party wants to preserve the Constitution; it’s that Muslim commie in the White House that thinks the document was printed on Charmin.

    As for the Canadian’s problem, I blame this on being in such close proximity to Michigan.