We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Keyless BMW Cars Prove to Be Very Easy to Steal

9th July 2012

Read it.

A lot of higher end cars are now coming out with RF fobs that unlock and start the car. There is no longer a physical key that is inserted in the ignition. It turns out that for BMW this means stealing the cars is extremely easy for a sophisticated criminal. We always liked the idea of metal keys that ALSO had a chip in them. The two-tiered security system makes sense to us, and would have prevent (or at least slowed down) the recent  rash of BMW thefts that are going on in the UK.

We They have the technology.

2 Responses to “Keyless BMW Cars Prove to Be Very Easy to Steal”

  1. RealRick Says:

    Better mousetraps breed better mice.

  2. Dennis Nagle Says:

    The whole ‘keyless entry and ignition’ thing is more like replacing the mousetrap with a stuffed cat.
    Really, have people just become too damned lazy to even turn a key?