We have seen the future, and it sucks.

California Carbon Rationing Is a Jobs Killer – Who Could Have Possibly Known That Boosting the Price of Electricity Would Do That?

6th July 2012

Read it. 

Back in 2006, California’s legislature passed and then-Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the California Global Warming Solutions Act which aims to reduce the Golden State’s greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. As I reported earlier this goal would be achieved by a mix of policies including a cap-and-trade carbon market along with a set of complementary measures. Those measures include setting fuel efficiency standards for appliances and buildings, requiring that 33 percent of the state’s energy be produced from renewable sources, setting a low carbon fuel standard for vehicles, and zoning changes to discourage automobile travel, among other new regulations and mandates.

A 2010 study by the California Air Resources Board, the agency in charge of implementing carbon rationing under the Global Warming Solutions Act, reported that its best case analysis estimated that implementing the law would boost California’s employment by 10,000 extra jobs by 2020; its worst case projected 330,000 fewer jobs than there would otherwise have been by 2020.

A new study commissioned by the California Manufacturers and Technology Association finds that that worst case is the likely case.

One Response to “California Carbon Rationing Is a Jobs Killer – Who Could Have Possibly Known That Boosting the Price of Electricity Would Do That?”

  1. Jason Says:

    Of course, passing a law against “global warming” is like passing a law against Unicorn encroachment: whatever the effects of the law, you are still sustaining and suffering them in statutory pursuit of a mythical phenomenon, one that simply doesn’t exist.

    And suffering California both is and will continue to be under this law that combats a fiction:

    When less optimistic projections are used, the costs are staggering. In the study’s “high case” scenario, families pay $4,500 in annual costs and California receives $38.8 billion less in local and state tax revenues by 2020.

    Ahhh, facts: they are to our so-called “progressives” what garlic supposedly is to another mythical creature, vampires, a revolting scent in their nostrils. Which why our friends on the Left spend so much time equivocating, parsing, and outright lying when one of their pet nostrums has run afoul of the facts.