We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Who Wants to Live Forever?

20th June 2012

Read it.

If Aubrey de Grey’s predictions are right, the first person who will live to see their 150th birthday has already been born. And the first person to live for 1,000 years could be less than 20 years younger. A biomedical gerontologist and chief scientist of a foundation dedicated to longevity research, de Grey reckons that within his own lifetime doctors could have all the tools they need to “cure” aging — banishing diseases that come with it and extending life indefinitely.

5 Responses to “Who Wants to Live Forever?”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    Great. Now we have even more unemployment to look forward to, as ‘eternal’ seniors keep hanging on and on and on to their jobs.
    Add in automation (which is destroying jobs at a faster rate than it creates them), and the ballooning population of the world, and we have One Big Mess. But I’m sure the Invisible Hand has a solution, if we all just pray hard enough and repent of our Sinful Ways. (And maybe offer a few ‘progs’ in sacrifice…”making a pleasing odor unto the Lord”.)

  2. RealRick Says:

    If anyone is going to live to 150, it will probably be my mother-in-law. I don’t know why – maybe something bad I did in a past life.

  3. RealRick Says:

    Makes me think of an episode of “Third Rock from the Sun” when Dick (John Lithgow) takes up smoking. Sally (Kristen Johnson) says, “I hear those take years off of your life.”, to which Dick replies, “Yes, but they’re the later years and they’re not much fun anyway.”

  4. RealRick Says:

    Hefner would be the exception to that.

  5. Dennis Nagle Says:

    Dennis Leary: “Yeah, I know. They say smoking takes ten years off your life. But which ten is it? It’s the ten at the end when you’re a drooling idiot in pampers and you can’t remember your own name. Boy, I’m sure looking forward to that!