We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Congress: Same Hours, Half the Work

19th June 2012

CNN is pissed that Congress isn’t passing enough laws.

The current Congress has worked just as many days as its legislative predecessors. It just has a lot less to show for it.

According to a CNN analysis of congressional records that looked at bills that became law and the number of days lawmakers worked, members of the House have spent more than 150 days and Senate just over 140 days in session so far, comparable to previous Congresses at this point in the term.

Color me cynical, but I think that’s a feature, not a bug. Of course a Voice of the Crust would think more laws better than less, but somebody ought to sit them down and explain that ‘number of laws passed’ is not the proper metric for a legislature. That way lies fascism.

One Response to “Congress: Same Hours, Half the Work”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    “That way lies fascism.” I was unaware that Mussolini and Hitler hold the record in number of laws passed. Silly me, I thought fascism was delineated by the type of laws passed, not the mere quantity of same.

    You learn something (erroneous) every day…