We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Liberal Cannibalism: SEC Targets Progressive-Friendly Chipotle

26th May 2012

Read it.

Modern Liberalism is more about politics than policy. Even the most devout liberals are not immune to the legal harassment levied against other entrepreneurs.

The pack sometimes eats its own, to keep the rest strong — and watchful. ‘Okay, boys, meat’s back on the menu!’

Sure you would expect any successful chain to face nuisance lawsuits. Last year, a Mexican National sued a Minneapolis Chipotle for violating his human rights by denying him a beer. They actually asked him for more identification than the State of Minnesota requires to vote. The chain was also sued by a man in a wheelchair who claimed that the counters were too high for him to watch his burrito being prepared, denying him of his “full Chipotle experience.”

Even in the pros, you occasionally get an own-goal.

Personally, I don’t see a problem with hiring Mexicans to work in a Mexican restaurant.

Indeed. Whipping up disgusting unhealthy third-world poverty food and selling it to SWPL metrosexuals at premium prices sounds like the Platonic ideal of a Job Americans Won’t Do.

This is politics Chicago-style (apparently, deep-dish pizza isn’t the only tradition nationally franchised out of the Windy City). It’s flat-out harassment. The Administration is trying to convince the restaurant that it would be more profitable to donate than to pay legal fees. As the adage goes, Hell hath no fury like a liberal denied his protection money.

Nice little restaurant chain you got there, amigo. Be a shame if anything happened to it. Make the check out to ‘Obamassiah for President’.

Apparently, just being liberal isn’t enough anymore.

Sadly, it never is.

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