How Copyright Extension Undermined Copyright: The Copyright Of Parking
22nd May 2012
What do copyright and parking laws have in common?
The short answer: no one takes either very seriously.
22nd May 2012
What do copyright and parking laws have in common?
The short answer: no one takes either very seriously.
May 22nd, 2012 at 12:45
All studies have shown that deterrence correlates not with the severity of punishment, but rather with its inevitability, which is why the death penalty, for example, really has no deterrent effect. (It was never intended to be so, nor should its efficacy in that regard be put forward to support it, but that’s another discussion altogether.) The certainty of getting a slap on the wrist has more deterrent effect than the remote possiblity of getting one’s hand cut off.
When laws are passed which are either unenforcable or are only sporadically enforced, it only fosters contempt for the law. Consider speed limits. Enough said.
I loved the sentence, “In other words, when you get a ticket, you don’t feel guilty. You feel victimized.”