We have seen the future, and it sucks.

For De-Friending the U.S., Facebook’s Eduardo Saverin Is an American Hero

15th May 2012

Read it.

As is well known now, Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin recently renounced his U.S. citizenship. Though no specific reason was given by Saverin for his decision, wise minds could very credibly proclaim him an American hero for doing what he did.

Think about the above for a moment. A nation founded on skepticism about politicians and government now has as one of its most powerful institutions a revenue agency meant to badger its citizens about how much they owe a government utterly contemptuous of constitutional limits.  To this insatiable beast, Saverin is apparently saying no.  Good for him!

Oddly here, and this speaks to how silly the economic discussion has become, founder Mark Zuckerberg is being lionized for the presumed $1 billion in capital gains taxes he’ll pay the feds. Saverin’s avoidance plan means more capital for business growth while Zuckerberg’s non-avoidance ensures more feeding of the beast, yet Saverin’s the bad guy? Yes, very odd.

One Response to “For De-Friending the U.S., Facebook’s Eduardo Saverin Is an American Hero”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    “Though no specific reason was given by Saverin for his decision, wise minds(?) could very credibly proclaim him an American hero for doing what he did.” (emphasis and question mark added)

    In other words, in the absence of any real knowledge we’ll make up a story that fits our Neo-Calvinist leanings and then use that fabrication to justify our position. How tautological. How conservative. How sad.