We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Divisions Then and Now

14th May 2012

Read it.

 One reason our sectional division finally lurched to civil war in the 1850s was the complete nationalization of the slavery issue because of Dred Scott, whose principle, as Lincoln perceived and argued, militated for the legalization of slavery in all states.  While the previous confinement of slavery to the South was unstable (because the South wanted to expand its peculiar institution), it held out the prospect that it could be placed in the course of ultimate extinction through gradual means.

Hypothesis: the nationalization of more and more issues once left to the state and local level is aggravating our divisions today in a similar way.

4 Responses to “Divisions Then and Now”

  1. Paul, Just This Guy, You Know? Says:

    No doubt. But there’s no link to read the rest.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    Sorry. Fixed now.

  3. Dennis Nagle Says:

    Still no link.

  4. Dennis Nagle Says:

    Ah. There it is.