We have seen the future, and it sucks.

John Derbyshire: Who Are We?—The “Dissident Right”?

14th May 2012

The Patron Saint of Dyspepsia explains it all to you.

And after watching Conservatism Inc. for a quarter of a century running along behind History’s great rumbling juggernaut squealing “Would you mind slowing down just a teeny bit, please?” there is always the faint hope that this other crowd might actually turn us back some way towards liberty, sovereignty, science, constitutionalism.

Non-white supremacy is after all the rule over much of the world, from entire continental spaces like sub-Saharan Africa to individual black-run or mestizo-run municipalities in the U.S.A. I see no great floods into these places by refugees desperate to escape the horrors of white supremacy.

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