We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Localist (and Potentially Anti-Globalist) Sentiment Among Hipsters

13th May 2012

Steve Sailer examines the ongoing ‘progressive’ attempt to cancel the 20th century.

It’s worth keeping an eye out for what the cultural trends are among the more privileged of younger people because they can signal the beginning of sea changes.

The word “locavore” was invented in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2005 to describe people who make an effort (a fetish?) to eat only food grown locally. In Brooklyn, where the climate is less propitious and land is either built-upon or toxic, this urge has mutated into people trying to eat what is manufactured locally.

The main engine is, of course, a new wrinkle in status-seeking. That localism emerged first in the San Francisco Bay Area has much to do with the fact the Bay Area is, as ex-sailor Richard Henry Dana explained to Americans in his 1840 bestseller Two Years before the Mast, just about the most favored locale for human habitation on Earth. It’s not surprising that Northern Californians are building barricades of local solidarity against the rest of the world.

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