We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Throwing People Under the Bus to Stop a Runaway Vehicle

19th April 2012

Read it.

With the towering prohibition against expressing politically incorrect views about race, why would anyone be naïve enough to believe that the demand for total consent will ever stop? The same bullying tactics that have been applied here have been extended to everything else that the left and its obliging conservative-movement collaborators have tried to keep from being mentioned. The left trots out the same victim narratives to shut us up about gender differences, our preference for heterosexual over homosexual family organization, or whatever else they deem unmentionable at a given moment. My friend, distinguished classicist Chris Kopff, says that at the university where he works it’s Christianity—notracism—that gets singled out as the villain. Anyone linked to Christian belief has to answer for the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Holocaust, and many other iniquities that are traced back to Christianity’s inherent intolerance.

3 Responses to “Throwing People Under the Bus to Stop a Runaway Vehicle”

  1. ErisGuy Says:

    It has always amused me that Christians must answer for the Inquisition and Crusades, while Leftists never answer for Stalin and Mao, whom they and Obama continue to admire.

  2. Dennis Nagle Says:

    Really? I have yet to meet anyone in my circles who thinks Mao and Stalin were anything more than opportunist power-grabbers with a penchent for mass murder.

  3. lowly Says:

    “opportunist power-grabbers with a penchent for mass murder.”

    The very definition of a lefty. Think Ayers, et al. Think ‘my way, or a dirt-bed by the side of the highway’. Problem lefties have is that it’s not much of stretch to go from thievery to mass murder, as it’s not too difficult from thinking other people’s stuff belongs to you and concluding other people’s lives do as well.

    And, ah, didn’t Dunn call Mao “one of the two people that I turn to most”.