We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Wind Turbine Makes 1,000 Liters of Clean Water a Day in the Desert

18th April 2012

Read it.

We have the technology.

3 Responses to “Wind Turbine Makes 1,000 Liters of Clean Water a Day in the Desert”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    Just in time for Texas…maybe. Except you’re going to need a couple million windmills to come up with the average 400 liters/day/person.

    Still, we should have the pipeline from Lake Michigan to Dallas built by then; we’ll only charge you $5/gallon, which will offset the cost of whatever gas you’re sending north from the Gulf coast.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    We’ve got an entire ocean. And our government doesn’t penalize entrepreneurs who come up with innovative solutions, as does a certain blue state that will remain unmentioned … which is why people are moving out of Michigan and into Texas. “Voting with their feet” I believe that’s called.

  3. Dennis Nagle Says:

    “And our government doesn’t penalize entrepreneurs who come up with innovative solutions, as does a certain blue state that will remain unmentioned” Unsubstantiated. Care to cite some concrete evidence, or are you just blowing smoke as you so often do?

    And it wasn’t the lack of ‘entrepreneurial’ jobs that cause the exodus (so-called) from Michigan to Texas, it was the loss of jobs in that oh-so-NOT-entrepreneurial industry, automobiles.

    Nice try. You win the home game.

    (P.S.: Have you checked the cost of desalinization, lately? Now multiply the cost/gallon x 80 x number of folks in Texas, and that’s what it will cost PER DAY to tap your ‘whole ocean’. Let me know how those numbers turn out, will you?)