We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Manhattan IS Lake Wobegon

14th April 2012

Steve Sailer has some fun with the Capital of the Crust.

If you are ever feeling in the need for a laugh, just look up the latest news from New York City on the Kindergarten Admissions Wars. Year after year, it’s pure comedy gold.

Because, you know, if your Child of the Crust doesn’t get into the Right Pre-School Program, s/he’s destined to be an Underclass Loser Wastrel forevermore. Or at least that’s what they’re afraid of. (Oh, the tragedy of being tagged an underachiever before your sixth birthday….) Oh, and Persons Of You Know What need not apply:

When school supremo Joel Klein made the switch to pure test-based admissions, using tests would obviously have a huge disparate impact effect. But, Klein didn’t know or didn’t care, because kindergarten admissions is serious stuff where testing is too crucial to be sacrificed on the altar of racial equality. This isn’t something trivial like saving people from burning skyscrapers, this is NYC kindergarten admissions, and don’t you forget it. Different rules apply.

Yet another illustration of Murray’s thesis that the right side of the bell curve are marrying each other and producing Talented Offspring who are forced to compete with other similarly Talented Offspring for a place in the Crustian Cursus Honorum — sort of a Hunger Games for the Ruling Class.

Pass the popcorn.

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