We have seen the future, and it sucks.

How to Find the Perfect Guy

13th April 2012

Read it.

How can women avoid choosing the wrong man? If you start dating a loser in your late twenties and he dumps you at 32, that’s it. You’re done. He just threw your ovaries in the garbage. If you managed to make a baby during that mistake, that’s even worse.

Don’t say we never have useful stuff here.

If you met him via infidelity, you are going to lose him to infidelity.

Yeah, I’m lookin’ at YOU, Callista Gingrich.

One Response to “How to Find the Perfect Guy”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    So despite all the hooplah about being free and independent and self-fulfilling and self-actualizing, women are still looking for a stable man to stick around to support and help raise the kids–even if they decide not to have any.

    There truly is nothing new under the sun.