We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Protest Over Police Shootings in Stockton Gets Ugly

11th April 2012

Read it.

Crowds in Stockton, California massed for a protest against the police yesterday over the police shootings of Luther Brown Jr. and James Rivera. Brown was shot after grabbing an officer’s baton and beating him with it; he was a gang member. Rivera was shot after he tried to back over police officers in his vehicle during a traffic stop.

Ah, yes; just innocent victims of The Man. Looks like Derb was right.

3 Responses to “Protest Over Police Shootings in Stockton Gets Ugly”

  1. Cathy Sims Says:

    Yes, we all know that beating police officers and trying to back over them with your vehicle are constitutionally protected “rights” these days …

  2. RealRick Says:

    I have no sympathy. We’ve trained these people to act this way. If you get in a big crowd and riot, not only can you steal all sorts of cool stuff, but after the riot, the city will kiss your ass and give you all sorts of concessions. Celebrities will plead your cause and the federal government will come in and stomp on anyone who doesn’t go along.

    Maybe if we just trained the government to respond to a bell with gifts of money, we could skip all the destruction.

  3. Sis Says:

    Derb was fired *because* he was right.