We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Education, Skills & Slavery… and Why We’re Probably Screwed.

6th April 2012

Read it.

A couple of years ago I attended a conference which discussed various aspects of public sector and government, and education in particular. During this event I got taken aside by someone who apparently did something fairly high up in the department of education, probably because of my previous work on Elgg which has been linked – for better or worse – to the field of E-Learning.

During our rather meandering conversation on education and politics, he admitted that the education time bomb, as he called it, was a widely acknowledged problem, but that they had no solution whatsoever for it.

He went so far as to admit to me that given the lead time involved for any solution to have an effect it was almost certainly too late to do anything about it in any case.

His candour shocked me, and I asked what he suggested as a recommended course of action; “Leave.”, was his reply, “Before it gets really bad.”

I think this guy is really Dennis in a Clever Plastic Disguise.

One Response to “Education, Skills & Slavery… and Why We’re Probably Screwed.”

  1. Cathy Sims Says:

    I note that he does not know the difference between “populous” and “populace.” Doesn’t inspire with confidence in his conclusions.