We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Quote of the Day

7th March 2012

‘When times are bad and things are going badly, people do not seek the causes. They seek someone to blame. Whom do they blame? The first target is almost always the group that appears to be favored, that has more than they do, and whose numbers are small. Only if those in that group are powerful do they seek another group to blame, but even so their resentment and anger remain.’

— L. E. Modesitt, Jr., Imager

Gee, that used to be the Jews, but not so much any more. Who could it be? Hm…. ‘the 1%’ … Not the real cause but a convenient whipping boy? Check. Appears to be favored? Check. Has more than they do? Check. Numbers are small? Check. I think we have found the new scapegoat.

2 Responses to “Quote of the Day”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    “Not the real cause but a convenient whipping boy? Check.” Not demonstrated. Jury’s still out.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    Out cold, perhaps. Anyone who cares to do the research will discover that it’s the government, not ‘the 1%’, that’s the problem. Housing crisis? Government pushing homeownership to people who can’t afford it. Monetary crisis? Government’s in charge of that, too. Auto companies need bailing out? Unions and their lackeys in the Democratic party on the NLRB caused that, too, and spent YOUR money bailing them out.

    Try to keep up.