We have seen the future, and it sucks.

How Partisan Politics Drove Olympia Snowe Away

2nd March 2012

Read it.

Pity poor Senator Olympia Snowe, forced to actually take a position on issues rather than collecting a government paycheck (a rather hefty government paycheck) for emitting bromides and blowing with the wind and living the serene RINO life. Ah, the cruelty!

This article is a rather pure example of a Voice of the Crust in full yap. The Vital Center, that dumping ground for the oh-I-don’t-know, I-suppose, why-can’t-we-all-just-get-along, politics-is-boring-let’s-watch-basketball side of the bell curve, is in danger! The horror! People might actually have to think about questions! And make a choice! Oh, the humanity!

Quite characteristic is the tendentious coloration of the term ‘partisanship’, as if we all got handed a Team Ticket when we entered the public arena and what political party we’re assigned to is purely random, like water sprayed from a fountain — so it doesn’t really matter, does it? Except that it does matter, a bunch. ‘Partisan’, despite the Left’s attempt to re-define it as ‘those stupid, ugly, flyover-country people who for some unaccountable reason don’t agree with me’, means ‘belonging to a party’, and people belong to a party because they’ve made a choice about what they want to have done, and that is what the whole business of politics is about. ‘Partisan’, in the mouth of this sort of lamestream-media driveler, means ‘benighted people who refuse to get with the program’. ‘Non-partisan’, of course, correspondingly means ‘people who are willing to do it our way’.

A world in which Olympia Snowe will no longer be allowed to pretend to be a Republican is a better world. Now, let’s see whether we can get Susan Collins to go retire to Florida as well.

One Response to “How Partisan Politics Drove Olympia Snowe Away”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    You know, that’s the trouble with democracy–people just don’t vote the way you think they should.

    Obviously Ms. Snow was doing the job that Maine voters wanted her to do, or else they wouldn’t have kept returning her to office so many times. Sad to see her go.