We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Environmentalist Protection Racket: Sierra Club Takes the Money and Runs

6th February 2012

Read it.

Sierra Club executive director Michael Brune tells the world how painful it was for his lobbying group to stop taking millions in donations from natural gas companies. And what organization wouldn’t be happy to rake in $26 million in donations?

Now the Sierra Club has decided that natural gas is just another evil fossil fuel that it getting in the way of the solar, wind, geothermal future that the organization wants to impose on Americans. And that’s OK. Environmentalism as an ideology is driven by the constant need to create an endless series of monsters to fear – natural gas is now one of the newer ones. The Sierra Club flip flop on natural gas as a “bridge fuel” to the low-carbon energy economy was motivated by NIMBY concerns of local chapters and the fact that cheap abundant natural gas makes the case for expensive renewable energy sources even less economically plausible.

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