We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Commerce Department Moves to Destroy Green Jobs

2nd February 2012

Read it.

Unsurprisingly, protectionism would raise the cost of solar in the U.S., causing job losses. According to a new report by the Brattle Group, tariffs could eliminate upwards of 50,000 jobs. Depending on the size of the tariff (the Brattle Group examined the effects of 50 and 100 percent tariffs), costs for solar consumers would increase anywhere from $621 million to $2.6 billion over the next three years. In addition, if China retaliates by imposing its own tariffs on American solar products, another 11,000 net jobs could be lost.

So to recap: Green jobs destroy other jobs. And now the Obama administration may destroy green jobs.

Hey, we’re from the government, and we’re here to help. Really.

One Response to “Commerce Department Moves to Destroy Green Jobs”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    So, why the whining? Isn’t this the golden opportunity to kill the solar industry once and for all? All the Good Old Fiscal Conservatives should be lining up to support this tarriff. It kills two birds with one stone: hurt the Chinese, and kill an industry that isn’t gas or oil. Win/win.