We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Microsoft, Enough With the Ribbon Already

1st February 2012

Read it.

It’s good to know that in this age of immediate and easy customer feedback that there are still companies that steadfastly refuse to listen to the people who have to use their products. Case in point: Microsoft.

Microsoft is a poster child for the programming approach ‘what programmers want is what ordinary customers want’.

If you haven’t been following this saga, Microsoft revealed a while back that the Ribbon found in Micosoft Office and other MS programs like WordPad and Paint is now coming to Windows Explorer as well. Did you need those extra pixels at the top of the screen? Too bad for you.

Buy a bigger monitor, you hoser. Get with the new millennium.

“Our view is that we do need to move the user interface forward and accept that a vocal set of customers are just not happy with the direction we’re going.”

I have never wanted to switch to Mac so badly in my life.

Buwah-hah-hah! Come to the appliance side, young Skywalker.

“We remind folks that there are third-party tools available… that provide a number of different interface paradigms. We do embrace the notion that third-party tools play an important part in the Windows experience.”

Yes, they do, because you keep making stupid decisions.

Sort of the way disinfectant plays a part in the medical experience.

One Response to “Microsoft, Enough With the Ribbon Already”

  1. Cathy Sims Says:

    If we can get the TARDIS working, I vote we kill everyone involved in the ribbon project who thinks it’s a good idea rather than paying them to retire. People can come out of retirement and still do great damage. The ribbon is an abomination and should be destroyed.