We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Ethnicity != Race!

16th January 2012

Steve Sailer spanks some sloppy thinkers.

The New York Times ran an article over the weekend on how the government’s racial categories don’t fit Hispanics well: For Many Latinos Racial Identity Is More Culture than Color. It’s like a dumbed-down version of one of my articles.

The general tone of the article is the usual: that Latino political power through ethnocentric solidarity is an unquestioned good. To newspaper reporters, what could be more self-evident? All the Latino leaders in their Blackberries tell them that. Granted, in the real world, not that many Spanish-surnamed people seem to care all that much, but that’s just proof that we need to write even more articles telling the Latino masses to Get With The Program that their leaders have laid out for them. (If only we could get Latinos to read the Times instead of the Post.) These people who return my phone calls so promptly are the Martin Luther Kings of the 21st Century. If you don’t believe me, just ask them.

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