We have seen the future, and it sucks.

UK: Schoolchildren Could Be Given Lessons in Being Transgender

9th December 2011

Read it.

The action plan, launched by equalities minister Lynne Featherstone, said that a child’s early years have a “profound influence on their life chances”.

I wonder who ‘she’ was before the operation?

  1. Thank God you don’t live in Britain. Or any country that has an ‘Equalities Minister’.
  2. Without eternal vigilance, it could happen here. Probably in Barney Frank’s district.

One Response to “UK: Schoolchildren Could Be Given Lessons in Being Transgender”

  1. Cathy Sims Says:

    I was going to say that I fail to see why primary school age children need to be taught sexual lessons, but then I realized that if you don’t catch them early, you can’t properly indoctrinate them.