We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Walmart Wants To Be Nation’s Biggest Primary Care Provider

10th November 2011

Read it.

How long before we get the traditional SWPL hand-wringing about Soulless Walmart Squeezing Out Local Mom & Pop Doctor’s Offices?

2 Responses to “Walmart Wants To Be Nation’s Biggest Primary Care Provider”

  1. RealRick Says:

    Who would do a better job: WalMart or the Gov’t?

  2. Dennis Nagle Says:

    Walmart will never get into the healthcare provider business. They’d never be able to figure out how to pressure doctors to offshore their services to provide lower cost.

    Nor would any doctor–except maybe the immigrants who can’t get certified by the AMA–agree to be part of a Walmart Health-R-Us Dispensery. It would irreparably cheapen the brand, and they wouldn’t be able afterwards to charge astronomical fees for the same procedure when they went into private practice.