We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Richmond Tea Party

28th October 2011

Read it.

Like other Tea Party groups, the Richmond (VA) Tea Party has played by the rules. They paid permit fees to hold their rallies, they paid for the extra police and portajohns that such rallies demand. In all, they’ve paid $10,000 for their rallies to the local government.

The occupiers? Not so much. In fact, they haven’t filed for any permits and they haven’t paid a dime.

So the Richmond Tea Party, seeking fair treatment, has invoiced the Richmond city government to get its costs reimbursed. This is a brilliant move that other Tea Party groups should follow, if for no other reason than to highlight how the so-called 99% continue to mooch off of law-abiding citizens.

Time for a little equality, it would seem.

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