We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Libya’s Liberation: Interim Ruler Unveils More Radical Than Expected Plans for Islamic Law

23rd October 2011

Read it.

Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, the chairman of the National Transitional Council and de fact president, had already declared that Libyan laws in future would have Sharia, the Islamic code, as its “basic source”.

But that formulation can be interpreted in many ways – it was also the basis of Egypt’s largely secular constitution under President Hosni Mubarak, and remains so after his fall.

Mr Abdul-Jalil went further, specifically lifting immediately, by decree, one law from Col. Gaddafi’s era that he said was in conflict with Sharia – that banning polygamy.

My, what a surprise. Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

‘Expected’ by whom? The Crust, maybe — those of us who appreciate the essence of Islam viewed it as inevitable. Every Muslim is committed BY THE NATURE OF HIS RELIGION to work for the implementation of shari’ah law. The only places where they don’t do this is where Muslims are so few on the ground that it would be a waste of time. As Britain and France and Sweden and the Netherlands and Michigan and Wisconsin are finding out, it doesn’t take a huge percentage of Muslims in the population to trigger pro-shari’ah efforts. The only country with a Muslim majority that doesn’t implement shari’ah law is Turkey, and it is rapidly heading in that direction — a ‘secular’ state with a Muslim-majority population is an unstable situation that can be held that way only through tight authoritarian oppression, and ALWAYS eventually unravels.

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