We have seen the future, and it sucks.


21st October 2011

Freedman gives us another new word.

‘A system of government where the least capable are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least capable of sustaining themselves or succeed are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.’

No, he didn’t invent it, but if it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t know about it. So to him be the glory.

Unlike what you might call a “left-wing-tocracy,” an ineptocracy is to be criticized not quite so much for being lefty, as for putting all persons & classes in roles that are polar-opposite from where they belong. The mediocre are examples of excellence, the undecided & apathetic are examples of great leadership, children are examples of wisdom and the indigent are examples of desirable, productive living. But left-wing-ocracies mutate into ineptocracies, or vice-versa, so they could be regarded as synonymous. Of all American cities that are home to five million people or more, perhaps 4 out of 5 could be fairly characterized as both. Ineptocracies are governed by left-wing pukes. Left-wing pukes create ineptocracies.

Read the whole thing.

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