We have seen the future, and it sucks.

NYT: [Fill in the Blank] Rotting in Fields!

21st October 2011

Steve Sailer has some fun laughing at the New York Times.

Almost every harvest season, we read stories in the New York Times about how some crop somewhere is rotting in the fields which proves that civilization will grind to a halt unless we import lots more illegal immigrant stoop laborers stat. Could it be, however, that NYT staffers are not quite as sophisticated in their understanding of farm labor economics as they think they are after spending a half hour on the phone with noted agriculture expert Tamar Jacoby?

Timothy Egan is one of the more entertaining columnists from the Times — his blurb says ‘Timothy Egan on American politics and life, as seen from the West.’ Of course, in this context ‘the West’ apparently means the Upper West Side of Noo Yawk, since Mr Egan’s attitudes are conventional ones characteristic of somebody who has only crossed the Hudson River when he was paid to do so.

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