We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Don’t Burn It, Read It

17th September 2011

Read it.

When people become aware of the dangers of Islamization, they tend to take an interest in the Koran. Rather than rely on what the media or Muslims tell them, they decide to examine Islam’s holy book for themselves, and turn to the internet for help.

Needless to say, the best resources on the Koran are on Islamic sites. You can find anything you want from the Koran, in any language. However, the presentation at such sites is from a Muslim point of view, and doesn’t generally point the reader to the wife-beating or Jew-killing or infidel-beheading verses.

That’s not true of TheQuran.com. It contains detailed easy-to-use analysis of the Koran, produced by Arabic-speaking scholars from both Christian and apostate backgrounds. It is one of the more useful reference sites on the subject that I’ve come across: you can look up verses by topic, or you can search on keywords, or simply browse the contents. It also has a series of articles on particular suras and verses of interest.

It will scare you shitless, like Mein Kampf if Hitler had been on a mission from God.

7 Responses to “Don’t Burn It, Read It”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    You mean, Hitler didn’t have a mission from God? I’m sure that would come as a great surprise to him.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    That’s because you’re substantially ignorant of Hitler specifically and history in general. Try reading. It will do you no harm.

  3. Dennis Nagle Says:

    Hitler’s monomania was functionally identical to a belief in a mission from God, so I fail to see the distinction.

    And whereas your major was economics, mine was history. So it is safe to say that I know as much about the latter as you do about the former.

  4. Tim of Angle Says:

    You typically fail to see relevant distinctions. This is characteristic of ‘progressives’. That’s what makes your opinions so ill-informed, hence negligible.

    A pity you wasted all that time and money on college and apparently failed to learn anything. I’d ask for a refund if I were you. (Oh, you may recall that I was a double major at Yale — one of which was history; obviously a more rigorous program than the one at Marquette.)

  5. Whitehawk Says:

    Wow, not sure I’m qualified to comment but…

    As I posted earlier, Hitler was a functional atheist who used pagan lore to brain wash his minions that the Aryans were a superior race. Nietzsche was his inspiration. He often claimed Providence (God’s will) was on his side but he was obviously using the phrase for propaganda purposes only. He jailed, tortured and killed Christian leaders in his country… Niemuller, Bonhoeffer etc.

  6. Tim of Angle Says:

    He isn’t qualified to comment, either, but, as it doesn’t stop him, you ought not to let it stop you.

  7. Dennis Nagle Says:

    “He often claimed Providence (God’s will) was on his side…” The prosecution rests.