We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The New York Times – Ignorance Times Twelve

5th September 2011

Read it.

Ah, the New York Times. Once the paper of record, now the paper that has broken all records for idiocy and irrelevance brings us the ruminations of a dozen “Americans who don’t labor in politics or the media” on “what they’d do if they were president.”

Searching for, ” ideas that might challenge or inspire, ” Jesse Kornbluth assembled a group of 12 illuminati and asked them what they would do if they lived in the White House.

The responses, which come from professors, authors, a CEO, a nun, the president of something called the Children’s Zone in Harlem, an artist, an inventor and an astrophysicist, read like a perverse combination of Rainbow Fish and Pedro’s campaign speech from Napoleon Dynamite. (Vote for me and your wildest dreams will come true.)

An exellent fisking of peripheral members of the cognitive elite; not one person who ever made something intended for sale, all people dependent on existence in an apex civilization such as ours. I’d be more interested in how well they would survive if stripped naked and dropped in the Pacific Northwest. I suspect that the ‘inventor’ might make it out alive, but the rest would be bear-food.

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