We have seen the future, and it sucks.


16th August 2011

John Hinderaker does the math.

The remarkable thing about the anthropogenic global warming hoax is that it isn’t even a close call. Anyone who takes the trouble to investigate the science will quickly learn that the alarmist position is a fraudulent one, driven, I think, by the billions of dollars that are thrown at those who are willing to sell out scientific method in support of the statist line. Hiding the decline is way more lucrative than presenting objective, and unalarming, scientific findings.


  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    So we’re not causing it. I’ll admit that possibility.
    But the warming trend, whether natural or man-made, IS happening. That science is not in dispute, only the causes of it.

    My question: Even if we’re not causing it, shouldn’t we be trying to do something about it, anyway? Add climate change (and it is changing, whether man is the cause or not) to the exploding global population, and we’re in for a world of shit in the form of resource wars and pandemics, probably within the next few decades.

    Any ideas, other than burying our heads in the sand?

  2. Jay Says:

    OF COURSE climate change is happening. Climate change has been happening since the Earth began billions of years. Climate change is happening on Mars. There has never been any possibility that climate would ever stop changing.

    But if the computer models showing that climate change comes from our actions are wrong, and we can’t really affect the climate, then what does “trying to do something about it” mean? All the current propsals are about reducing carbon emissions. If carbon emissions aren’t, in fact, affecting the climate, then those proposals have zero value.

  3. RealRick Says:

    “Doing something” is not the same as “doing something that makes a difference”.

    If the climate is affected by the natural operation of the Solar System, then even “doing something that makes a difference” would really just be screwing up the system.

    “Global Warming” would not even be discussed outside of academia if it wasn’t really all about political and financial control. In the 1970’s, when it was believed that pollution was about to cause Global Winter, there were no political actions at all. (Yes, there were pollution laws, but none tied to the issue.) “Carbon” gives the Europeans a financial edge against the USA because we have (and burn) far more coal than they do. It also has the potential to create a huge pool of new tax money for politicians to splash around in. It may well go down in history as the biggest hoax of all time.