We have seen the future, and it sucks.

If Only Americans Weren’t So Goddamned Stupid We Wouldn’t Have to Send Them to Re-Education Camps

9th August 2011

Matt Welch reviews recent expressions of disgust by the Crust.

Jacob Weisberg, Slate:

there’s no point trying to explain complicated matters to the American people.

3 Responses to “If Only Americans Weren’t So Goddamned Stupid We Wouldn’t Have to Send Them to Re-Education Camps”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    And yet the Right has no problem excoriating the American public for being so stupid as to listen to Keynsians rather than the real economic experts, i.e., the Right.

    In the end, it’s not a question of elitism, but of which elite to whom you want people to listen.

  2. ErisGuy Says:

    A re-education camp indicates the Left has become soft, decadent, and generous to its enemies. Bill Ayers wished for death camps.

    The American public has listened to Keynsians; only its incompetent leadership.

  3. Dennis Nagle Says:

    “…only its incompetent leadership.”…which we continue to elect and re-elect. So the American public must be so Goddamned stupid that they need re-education in the Right (pun intended) Way.

    Like I said: It’s all about the narrative…and who’s narrating.