We have seen the future, and it sucks.

FAA Fix Protects Political Perks

5th August 2011

Read it.

Unfortunately, the “deal” announced Thursday will restore the cuts to the EAS program, but without Congressional approval. Although the Senate passed the House’s version of the bill, Transportation Secretary Ray Lahood will strike out the EAS language. In effect, the Executive conspired with the Senate to carry out an end-run around the intent of the legislation, all to protect subsidized flights for politicians who don’t want to be bothered to use major airports. This is both a scandalous waste of taxpayer funds and a blatant abuse of executive power.

Sounds like Democrats to me….

One Response to “FAA Fix Protects Political Perks”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    “Scandalous waste” and “blatent abuse of public funds” is the usual terminology used in the “whose ox is being gored” arena. Nobody seemed concerned under the Republican adminsitration when these same subsidies were in place. And of course tax breaks for corporate jets are still fine.

    Funny how the Cut Spending Waste crowd always seems to reserve its greatest ire for those situations in which rural America is allowed to partake of the same benefits as the urban masses. If the Invisible Hand had been left to work untrammeled, half the country would still be burning whale oil lamps–assuming they could find any whales, which is doubtful since they would have been rendered extinct by this time.

    Makes you wonder why the Red States–overwhelmingly rural–continue to vote Republican. Don’t they understand who is actually trying to push them–or confine them, more accurately–in the stone age?