New Alloy Turns Waste Heat Into Electricity for Free
23rd June 2011
Using a multiferroic alloy of nickel, cobalt, manganese, and tin, researchers at the University of Minnesota have discovered a method of creating green electricity from waste heat sources. This alloy could be placed near your car’s exhaust to create electricity — or in the cooling towers of power stations to convert wasted heat into electricity. Beyond creating the alloy itself, which is made from common and abundant elements, there are no extra costs — and no additional pollution, either.
No word on whether it comes with a free pony.
June 23rd, 2011 at 11:26
Wouldn’t a thermocouple do the same thing?
And whatever happened to that catalyst that was going to be put on radiators to break down air pollutants?
Probably buried by the greedy secret government overlords, just like the Mr. Fusion machine.