We have seen the future, and it sucks.

UK: ‘Private School Pupils “Over-Represented” in Top Jobs’

22nd June 2011

Read it.

(Actually, the picture tells you everything you need to know. This guy is obviously the Upper Class Twit of the Year’s simple-minded younger brother, given a job on the public payroll because he hasn’t a prayer out in the real world.)

The assumption that who gets what job is somehow a ‘representative’ function in a free-market economy is, of course, unexamined.

This schlub is the Education Secretary in a British government nominally run by the Conservative Party, which I suppose just goes to show how the meaning of the term ‘conservative’ has degenerated since Lady Thatcher was PM.

Professionals educated in the independent sector dominate all walks of life as a result of Britain’s increasingly “unequal” schools system, he said.

So it has nothing to do with the talents of the individual pupil, and everything to do with the quality of the school. One could presumably pluck any urchin off the street, send him to Eton or Rugby, and wind up with a productive member of the Ruling Class. This common modern notion has merely to be stated to demonstrate its inherent idiocy. It is, of course, very comforting to the losers in life to embrace the notion that they’re just as good as everybody else, so that the fact that they live on the bottom is not their fault but society’s, in that they were ‘disadvantaged’ and ‘underprivileged’ through no fault of their own. (Another obviously silly notion.)

Mr Gove insisted that radical reforms were needed to give children from poor backgrounds access to a decent education.

Unfortunately, these days one cannot even count on children from rich backgrounds having access to a decent education, what with the absurdities of modern educational theories having penetrated even the most famous institutions.

The comments come just days after a study showed that deprived pupils in the UK were less likely to achieve good exam results than those from most other developed nations.

The use of the term ‘deprived’ accurately signals the presumption that this performance is due to the poor tykes having had their otherwise-inalienable right to good exam results ripped from their tender fingers by a nasty and inequitable social system. News Flash: Even the performance of the non-deprived pupils in the U.K. sucks big hairy ones; it’s not the inequity of the system, but the total failure of the system to do what it’s supposed to, that is the problem — a problem that doesn’t look likely to be solved any time soon, with nimrods like this in charge.

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