We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Pro-Illegal Immigration Groups Try To Turn RI Atty Gen’s Neighbors Against Him

13th June 2011

Read it.

The tactic which has come into vogue, particularly for SEIU protests, is to go to your opponents’ home to protest, even if it means frightening the children in the house.

Pro-illegal immigrant groups in Rhode Island have taken it one step further, not only protesting in front of the home of Rhode Island Attorney General Peter Kilmartin, but also knocking on neighbors’ doors in protest of Rhode Island’s participation in the federal Secure Communities Program.

As detailed here before, Governor Linc Chafee and a host of others want to turn Rhode Island into a sanctuary state, refusing even to participate in the Secure Communities Program which requires that fingerprints for all people arrested on other charges be sent to Homeland Security for an immigration status check.  The feds say localities cannot opt out, and AG Kilmartin supports the program as a way of getting criminals out of the community.

Chafee has tried to prevent Rhode Island’s participation even after a plea from the victim of a kidnapping and rape committed by an illegal alien.

One Response to “Pro-Illegal Immigration Groups Try To Turn RI Atty Gen’s Neighbors Against Him”

  1. RealRick Says:

    Quick note to the protesters: Unsolicited knocking on doors and scaring children in Texas is more likely to put you on the wrong end of a 12-gauge than it is to intimidate the neighborhood.

    This ain’t RI.

    And we’re pretty happy about that.