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UK: Teachers give up making boys read long books

17th May 2011

Read it.

Teachers are giving up trying to make boys read long books because they cannot get past 100 pages, new research as found.

I have a fix for that — two words: Tom Clancy.

4 Responses to “UK: Teachers give up making boys read long books”

  1. RealRick Says:

    I think you’re exactly right, Tim. What do they have the boys reading, since Huckleberry Finn is banned? “Heather Has Two Mommies”? “It Takes A Village”?

    Some of that is Political Correctness, but part of it is also the failure to understand that the point of the class is to teach the kids to read, not to conduct socialist indoctrination.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    As best I can guess, graphic novels.

  3. Sis Says:

    I’m sure this disability comes as news to you, Tim.

  4. Tim of Angle Says:

    Most disabilities do.