We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Simplify, Simplify

21st April 2011

John Derbyshire, Patron Saint of Dyspepsia, chides modern business.

Stopped in at my local office-supplies megastore for some printer ink cartridges. Total expenditure: $47.78. Total length of printed receipt: 341/2 inches—nearly a yard.

Been there, done that. (Target, I’m looking at you.)

Having torn off and tossed the bottom 25 inches of that receipt (I need the top part to claim as a business expense; clutter-reduction has its limits), I am in theory poorer by ten dollars, or ten dollars’ worth of the relevant SKU codes, but I don’t care. If you want to boil the thing down to behavioral economics, I’ve paid ten dollars for a little simplicity in my life.

Hear, hear.

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