We have seen the future, and it sucks.

‘Friends Don’t Let Friends Take Education Advice From Peter Thiel’

12th April 2011

Read it.

For those not au courant, Peter Thiel has established a bunch of fellowships to encourage bright students to start their own companies rather than prolong their adolescence in college.

Needless to say, the educational establishment is rallying ’round to nip this idea in the bud.

Sample sound bites:

Despite having appointments at five elite universities….

… not that I’m one to brag….

Peter Thiel may have made the right calls with Paypal; he certainly made a smart decision by investing in Mark Zuckerberg.  But he is no expert on education.

Uh, dude, education isn’t an end in itself, unless you’ve got a hefty trust fund or win the Tenure Track Lottery; it’s there to get a job.

The best path to success is not to drop out of college; it is to complete it.

Says the disinterested observer. This is like a government employee telling you that what you really need isn’t a job but more benefits.

Most of the deans in the audience were aghast.

My, what a surprise. Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

Well, you can predict what the deans said as well as I can. There are two concepts here: education as an entity and the education establishment, an industry created to provide that entity. Needless to say, those involved in the industry providing a product are going to do their damnedest to make sure that nobody undercuts demand for their product. Like a phone company that confuses phone call with communication, these guys confuse classroom time (that we get paid for) with education. And, like the phone company, they’re in for a rough ride in the years ahead. My heat breaks for them….


One Response to “‘Friends Don’t Let Friends Take Education Advice From Peter Thiel’”

  1. Monica Says:

    Watch Peter Thiel discuss Rewards for Students to Drop Out of College, Democracy Failing As a Technology, Libertarians and Women, and take questions during his interview (3/23/11)- http://f4a.tv/e8PHHL