We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Lugar Targets Federal Sugar Racket

7th April 2011

Read it.

And about time that somebody did.

The federal government has been meddling with sugar production since 1934. Today’s convoluted system of supply controls, price supports, and trade restrictions benefits domestic sugar producers at the expense of consumers and utilizing industries. In other words, sugar producers “win” and the rest of the country “loses.”

Of course that doesn’t differ from any other such subsidy program. Those who produce a commodity are small in number, typically know each other and have formed a ‘trade association’ to buy Congressmen lobby Congress concerning their ‘issue’ and win out over the vast mass of consumers who never notice that they’re paying more for something than they would in a free market.

Know, incidentally, that Indiana doesn’t produce any sugar to speak of.

One Response to “Lugar Targets Federal Sugar Racket”

  1. RealRick Says:

    But Indiana DOES produce corn and that is used to make high fructose corn syrup which competes directly with sugar.