We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Irony alert: Illegal v. legal

25th March 2011

Steve Sailer indulges in some irony.

From the outside, they looked like other recently built San Gabriel townhouses — two stories, Spanish style, with roofs of red tile. Inside they were maternity centers for Chinese women willing to pay handsomely to travel here to give birth to American citizens.

All that stuff is just plain illegal. No way no how can you move walls around without proper permits.

On the other hand, random foreigners grabbing lifelong U.S. citizenship for their children — including such perks as 13 years of free public education in an upscale San Gabriel Valley school district, cheap tuition at UC Berkeley, low interest SBA loans, government contracting minority preferences, the right to import their parents and put them on Medicare and in public old folks homes, and other goodies — through these scams is, legally speaking, A-OK, 100% on the up and up….

One Response to “Irony alert: Illegal v. legal”

  1. Joseph Hertzlinger Says:

    One of the most annoying habits of environmentalists is using one preposterous regulation to justify more preposterous regulations.

    That habit is not limited to environmentalists.