We have seen the future, and it sucks.

NUDE WOMEN rally for imprisoned soldier Bradley Manning

23rd March 2011

Read it.

Supporters of Bradley Manning stripped down to their skivvies outside the office of US Senator Dianne Feinstein to protest the treatment of the suspected WikiLeaker, who is being held in solitary confinement, often without being allowed to wear clothes.

I’m sure that’s the top item on Feinstein’s priority list.

6 Responses to “NUDE WOMEN rally for imprisoned soldier Bradley Manning”

  1. RealRick Says:

    First I thought, “Hey, why can’t we have more protests like that!”

    Then, I saw the photos. Oh. That’s why.

    Break out the bourbon, I’ve got some brain cells to kill!

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    Yeah, they’re ‘nude women’ in the same sense that Bradley Manning is a ‘soldier’.

  3. Cathy Sims Says:

    I guess the reason we only see women like these doing the “nude” protests is because these are the ones who don’t have anything better to do or anyone who isn’t bat-sh*t crazy to hand out with.

  4. Cathy Sims Says:

    – that should be “hang” out with …

  5. Sheldon Tupperman Says:

    I haven’t seen the pictures of the nude women protesting the inhumane treatment of Bradley Manning, but the comments shown above are beneath contempt, the ladies are maybe not the kind of women you see in “Playboy” or “Penthouse,” the kinds of mags bought by those wankers but their inner beauty and empathy with the sufferings of a fellow human being is overwhelming, moreover, the recent revelations in DER SPIEGEL of the way in which American rabble of soldiers have behaved in Afghanistan show the kind of riff-raff enlisted in Army and US Marines, although of course, the putrefaction of the fish and the stench thereof starts from the head, thus from the very top of that criminal organization, i.e. The White House and the Pentagon.
    The inhumane conditions of Bradley Manning’s imprisonment are barbaric and they show that the US has lost its right to “protest” about human right violations by despicable regimes like those in Iran, China, North Korea, etc. And by the way: why is the Obama administration (like the other administrations before his, both Democratic (?) and Republican) still boycotting communist Cuba and at the same time allowing the US corporations to make billions of dollars’ worth of deals with “Communist” China allowing that country to “invest” more and more in the US and getting more and more indebted with that “communist” country?

  6. Tim of Angle Says:

    I rather doubt that their activities are due to ’empathy with the sufferings of a fellow human being’ but rather a reflection of their opposition to the U.S. government and its policies. You don’t see these people protesting the desecration of Christian churches and murder of Christian people in Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iraq, which indicates that there is another agenda at work.