We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Horror Meister Stephen King Asks, “Why Don’t I Pay 50%” in Taxes?

11th March 2011

Nick Gillespie takes the famous writer to the woodshed.

The answer, of course, is that he chooses not to. The IRS is happy to accept extra payments from just about anyone. (And speaking of which, maybe the IRS should look into King’s return based on his claim below. The upper limit of the 28 percent rate is $200,000 for a married couple filing jointly [and lower still for other statuses], which seems far below what the best-selling author would be pulling in annually.)

Every now and then the arrested adolescents of tReason magazine get it right. (Hey, even a blind pig finds an acorn now and then.)

If ever anyone needed evidence that expertise in one area of life is completely disconnected from the ability to find one’s butt with both hands in any other area of life, professional writers knock it out of the park.

And don’t get me started on Michael Moore….

3 Responses to “Horror Meister Stephen King Asks, “Why Don’t I Pay 50%” in Taxes?”

  1. Roy Says:

    Have you just implied that Michael Moore has evidenced expertise in any area of life?

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    I am prepared to believe that Michael Moore is one of our greatest living experts on the eating of carbohydrates. You can’t argue with success.

  3. RealRick Says:

    Environmentally, Michael Moore is considered “walking carbon sequestering” – although “waddling” might be more fitting.