We have seen the future, and it sucks.

‘Is it OK to be bored with Egypt by now?’

9th February 2011

Steve Sailer finally gets on the bus.

What I’m reminded of is that fairly similar stuff happens in Mexico regularly without the U.S. press paying much attention at all.

All these years, I’ve been trying to pay attention to Mexico when everybody else is obsessing over the Middle East. After all, I reasoned, Mexico is right next door to us, while the Middle East isn’t. Plus, you gotta admit this Mexican stuff can be pretty colorful. How about the growing cults of Jesus Malverde, the narco saint, and Santa Muerte?

On the other hand, how much of this Mexican history has turned out to be all that important? Mexico seems to keep on being Mexico, just with more Wal-Marts and more chopped heads. Maybe the American press was right to pay little attention to Mexico. On the other hand, how much of this Middle East stuff that preoccupies them turns out to matter much either?

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