We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Talismans of Productivity

13th January 2011

Read it.

It’s simple guys. Give up coffee and tea. Don’t flagellate yourself over it. Don’t invent terribly strict rules to try to govern yourself with a rod of iron. Give up caffeine. Cool your heels, calm your brain, avoid those depressing downs and then watch yourself. Make a daily focus list if you must. Have lists of tasks to do in your email client if you must. Work out what tricks work with you. I am not giving you a tightly worded prescription, iron-bounded rules.

One Response to “Talismans of Productivity”

  1. RealRick Says:

    Give up coffee? WTF?!?

    More likely that the extra carbs were slowing down the brain.

    Could I write more without coffee in the morning? Maybe. But could I tolerate the people I come in contact with? That’s touchy WITH coffee.