We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Joe Straus Is Worried. Keep Up the Pressure.

19th November 2010

Erick Erickson smells blood in the water.

100% NARAL rated Texas House Speaker Joe Straus, the Republican who relied on Democrats to get into his job and then obstructed major conservative reforms in the Texas House of Representatives, is worried he might be voted off the island.

For the Speaker of the Texas House to be calling a blogger from Georgia to, I assume, convince me he is not the 100% NARAL rated and Planned Parenthood praised Democrat in Republican clothing that I know him to be, must mean we are having an impact and he is worried.

4 Responses to “Joe Straus Is Worried. Keep Up the Pressure.”

  1. RealRick Says:

    A blogger for the Houston Chronicle is claiming that the whole thing is because Straus is a Jew. (Most of the commenters have replied with something to the effect of, “He is? I didn’t know that.”) This stems from some of the folks trying to oust him saying things about getting someone in that position that will espouse “Christian values”.

    The reality is that nobody cared (even if they knew) what religion he practices; they simply want someone in the position that will espouse the same values that they believe in. By “Christian”, they mean “quit giving money to Planned Parenthood”.

    Say what you will about all the things the Left can’t do (like basic math), they are very good at rallying around their own. It’s like a zombie movie – about the time you think they’re all gone, here comes a new group stumbling at you.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    Straus is a Jew? News to me.

  3. Roy Says:

    I have made MY thoughts known to my satae representative.

  4. RealRick Says:

    Just to follow up, the Chronicle had a column in their Sunday editorial section chastizing those who oppose Straus as being anti-Semetic.

    The left just cannot believe that anyone could oppose their politics.